Homily for March 18th, 2020: Deut. 4:1, 5-9.
God’s chosen people, the Jews, were
slaves in Egypt
for more than four centuries, over double the life of slavery in our country.
Oppressed people follow the law of the jungle, inflicting on one another the cruelty
and oppression inflicted on them by their oppressors.
So, the ragtag group of people who
crossed the Red Sea with Moses had grown
accustomed for centuries to a life of lawlessness. The Ten Commandments, given
by God to Moses, were designed to bring order out of chaos, to establish
justice and peace among a people who had long since forgotten the very meaning
of those words. The Commandments were not then, nor are they now, fences to hem
people in. They were and are ten signposts pointing the way to human
flourishing, freedom, and peace.
That is why
Moses tells the people in our first reading to observe God’s Commandments “that
you may live.” Doing that, Moses says, “you will give evidence of your wisdom
and intelligence” to other nations. But Moses tells them that they must do
more. “Take care … not to forget the things which your own eyes have seen, nor
let them slip from your memory as long as you live, but teach them to your
children and to your children’s children.” What things is Moses referring to?
He is speaking about the whole marvelous, indeed miraculous, story of his
people’s deliverance from their more than four centuries of slavery.
Why is this
remembering so important? Why does Holy Scripture so often record the story of
God’s mighty deeds in the past? Because God
never changes. As we read in the letter to the Hebrews: “Jesus Christ is
the same: yesterday, today, yes and forever” (13:8). The record of God’s
miraculous care for his people in the past assures us of his care today, and its
continuance into the future.
The Church’s
central act of worship, the Mass, is a recalling of what God’s Son, Jesus, has
done for us at the Last Supper, on Calvary ,
and at his Resurrection. But this is not merely a mental recalling. Because the
Mass is a sacrament, it makes present, spiritually but truly, that which it
commemorates. We are there with the apostles in the Upper Room. We are
there with the Beloved Disciple, Mary, and other women on Calvary ;
and we are with them also, astonished, at the empty tomb, with but one
exception. We cannot see him with our physical eyes; but we do see him with the
eyes of faith. And seeing, we adore.
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