Homily for Nov. 17: 33rd
Sunday in Year C. Luke 21:5-19.
AIM: To assure
the hearers that God is with us in times of trial.
“There will be powerful earthquakes,
famines, and plagues from place to place; and awesome sights and mighty signs
will come from the sky.” That sounds like some kind of antique science fiction.
What is Jesus telling us?
Let’s look at the passage in context.
To people who were admiring the Temple in Jerusalem, Jesus says: “All that you
see here – the day will come when there will not be left a stone upon another
stone that will not be thrown down.” The
people who heard those words would have thought them either shocking or crazy –
as shocking and crazy as the statement of a hypothetical Manhattan tour guide
on September 10, 2001, to tourists gawking at the World Trade Center: “Take a
good look folks. It won’t be here tomorrow.”
Jesus’ prediction about the
destruction of their beloved Temple was made to people who had been told times
without number that they were God’s people. He had chosen them, from all other
peoples on earth. He had promised to be with them and to protect them always.
How could God permit the destruction of his earthly dwelling place? Small
wonder that the people ask: “Teacher, when will this happen? And what sign will
there be when all these things are about to happen?”
Jesus’ reply to these questions, as
so often, is disappointing. He tells them they don’t need a timetable. They
should distrust anyone who offers one. ‘If you are living as my followers,’
Jesus tells them in effect, ‘future trials and even disasters will not defeat
you. Stay close to God and you will have nothing to fear, even when everything
around you is collapsing: your nation, your church, your own personal life.’
Luke recorded Jesus’ words in his
gospel to reassure his own Christian community amid difficulties and
persecution. Their trials are not ours. But the truth behind the strange
sounding language in today’s gospel remains. Today, as in Luke’s time, we are
witnessing a struggle between the forces of good and evil: in the world, in our
own county, in the Church, in our own personal lives. We need not look far to
see evidence of evil’s power. We find it in the newspaper each morning, and in
the evening news on television. We feel in our own hearts and minds the dark
forces that threaten to drag us down from what, in the depths of our being, we
most deeply long to do and to be.
Jesus never promised to preserve us
from trials or even from disasters. He promises to be with us amid
disasters. Jesus made that promise out of his own experience. Taunted on
Calvary to produce a final dramatic proof of his claim to be God’s Son, by
coming down from the cross, he remained silent. Jesus had really to die. Only
then could he be raised by God’s power to a new and higher life beyond
suffering, disaster, and death.
If Jesus was not preserved from
suffering and death, how can we expect to be immune? Neither the Church, nor any
nation, nor any individual has any guarantee from God that things will always
work out, that catastrophes will be averted.
Jesus Christ gives one guarantee
only. He will always support with the power of his Holy Spirit those who try to
be faithful to him; and in the end (though not necessarily before then), the
power of good will prove stronger than the power of evil – because it is the
power of God. That is the message of today’s gospel.
How should we respond to that
message? Jesus tells us in the final sentence of our gospel reading: “By your
perseverance you will secure your lives.” This perseverance is not
something we can summon up from within simply by willpower, by gritting our
teeth, holding the right thought, or (as the saying goes) “hanging in there.”
The perseverance Jesus commands must be given to us from without.
That is why we are here once again:
to receive from God strength to endure the humanly unendurable; to hope when we
see no reason for hope; to continue the journey when we feel our strength at an
end and we are tempted to give up.
We receive this power to persevere in
Holy Communion. We receive it also, however, at what the second Vatican Council
taught us to call once again, as our Catholic forbears did almost two millennia
ago, the table of the word. From the rich storehouse of Holy Scripture listen,
in conclusion, to a passage from the prophet Isaiah. Though not in our readings
today, it was surely familiar to Jesus. It
is quite possible that he knew it by heart. It is the source of the
contemporary hymn, “On eagle’s wings.”
“Do you not know, have you not heard?
The Lord, the everlasting God, creator of the wide world, grows neither weary
nor faint; no man can fathom his understanding. He gives vigor to the weary,
new strength to the exhausted. Young men may grow weary and faint, even in
their prime they may stumble and fall; but those who look to the Lord will win
new strength, they will grow wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary,
they will march on and never grow faint.”
(Isaiah 40:28-31, NEB)