Homily for Oct. 24th, 2020: Luke 13:1-9.
Jesus’ hearers tell him about two
recent disasters: an atrocity perpetrated by the hated Roman governor, Pontius
Pilate; and a construction accident which had killed eighteen unsuspecting
people. In Jesus’ day people assumed that the victims of such tragedies were
being punished for their sins. Twice over Jesus contradicts this view. The
victims were no worse sinners than anyone else, Jesus says. But their deaths were
a warning, Jesus says: “I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish
as they did!” The story which follows, about a farmer and his barren fig tree,
drives home this warning.
Fig trees grew wild in Palestine in
Jesus’ day. A newly planted fig tree takes three years to bear fruit. So, when
the owner of this fig tree tells his gardener that he has been looking for
fruit from it for three years, this means it had been there for six years in
all. The order to cut it down was entirely reasonable. The gardener is an
example of the incurable optimist. He wants to dig round it, to allow the rain
to reach the roots, and to fertilize the tree. Nowhere in Scripture do we find
any reference to fig trees being cultivated or fertilized. The gardener is
suggesting extraordinary, heroic
measures. He agrees with his employer, however, that if the tree is still
without fruit after another year, it will have to come down.
The story contains a warning, but
also encouragement. God is like the owner of the fig tree, Jesus is saying. God
looks for results. There will be a day of reckoning. That is the warning. But
God is also patient. He is willing to wait. He will even wait longer than
necessary. Behind the figure of the gardener in the story -- pleading for one
more growing season, for extraordinary, heroic measures -- we glimpse Jesus
himself. Jesus, our elder brother and our best friend, knows our weakness. If
we haven’t done too well up to now, Jesus pleads on our behalf for more time.
That is the story’s message of encouragement.
In the gardener’s suggestion to wait
one more year, to use extraordinary measures, we see God’s patience and
generosity. In the agreement of owner and gardener alike, that if the tree
remains without fruit another year, it must be cut down, Jesus warns us of the
certainty judgment. God’s judgment is not the adding up of the pluses and
minuses in some heavenly book. It is simply God’s ratification of choices we make every day: for God, his love,
his goodness, and his light; or our choice to reject those things. If we are
trying to choose Him, the Lord God who loves us beyond our imagining, we need
not fear judgment. We can be confident.