Homily for May 10th, 2014: John 6:60-69.
There is
something poignant about Peter’s response to Jesus’ challenging question: “Do
you also want to leave?” Many had already done so: “Many of [Jesus’] disciples
returned to their former way of life and no longer walked with him,” John tells
us before reporting Jesus’ challenge to the Twelve. What caused their departure
was Jesus’ refusal to soften his teaching about eating his flesh and drinking
his blood. “Let me solemnly assure you,” Jesus said, “if you do not eat the
flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” (6:53).
That was strong meat indeed, especially for people whose dietary laws forbade
the consumption of blood in any form. Still today the kosher laws of observant
Jews require that the blood be drained from any meat offered for human
consumption. Jesus’ words are also the answer to Protestants who insist that
Jesus’ presence in the bread and wine of their Communion services is “purely
spiritual” and not real.
The apostle Peter
was, frankly, not the sharpest crayon in the box. His response to Jesus’
question, “Lord to whom shall we go?” suggests that he may not have understood
the meaning of Jesus’ strong words. He was captivated nonetheless by the One
who spoke them: “You have the words of everlasting life.”
Any preacher
who is faithful to his commission to preach the full gospel, and not just what
people want to hear, will encounter criticism and rejection. I say that from
personal experience. It is the preacher’s task to comfort the afflicted – but
also afflict the comfortable. When I have said from the pulpit that marriage is
possible only for one man and one woman, I have been told: ‘That’s just one
opinion.’ The answer is simple: it is the teaching of the Bible, and of the
Catholic Church. Told that this teaching is “very hurtful to many of our
parishioners,” I remain unfazed. The Lord whose commission I hold to preach
“the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” will ask me one day
whether I did that; or whether I abbreviated his truth because someone might be
uncomfortable and offended. Similarly with the person who was offended by a
homily which dealt in part with pornography – which any priest who sits in the
confessional soon learns is a serious problem today – and in consequence could
no longer attend our church. Jesus encountered rejection. If we who serve him receive only applause and affirmation, we must ask whether we are being faithful to the One who commissioned us.