Feb. 10th, 2019: 5th Sunday in
Ordinary Time, Year C.
Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1 Cor. 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11.
Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1 Cor. 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11.
reference to the calls of Isaiah, Paul, and Peter, to show that times of crisis
are times of unique opportunity.
There are, in every life, moments we
never forget: an unexpected job offer or a promotion; a proposal of marriage;
the devastating loss of a job; the phone call that tells us a loved one has
died. Things like that we never forget. Today=s readings tell us of such
unforgettable moments in the lives of three of the great men of Scripture:
Isaiah, Paul, and Peter.
For Isaiah, the moment
he never forgot, which changed his life forever was, he tells us, AIn the year King Uzziah died.@ Uzziah had been king for some four
decades. His death, and the accession of a new monarch, were a breakup of landslide proportions. Golden opportunities
await, at such times, young men with good connections. Isaiah was young. He had
the right connections.
So in the year that King Uzziah died,
Isaiah had every reason to be excited about the dazzling prospect of a new
career opening up before him. And precisely at that time of unique opportunity,
he found the way blocked. A more exalted king than any who ever sat upon an
earthly throne summoned this brilliant, well-connected young man to higher
service. Isaiah never forgot it. The indelible impression left on the young man=s mind by his vision of the invisible
God is evident in Isaiah=s lapidary description of his experience: AIn the year King Uzziah died, I saw
the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of his garment
filling the temple.@
For Paul, the author of our second
reading, the moment he could never forget, came outside the city gate of Damascus , where Paul was
going to defend his fiercely loved Jewish faith by rooting out false teaching. Like
Isaiah, though in quite different circumstances, Paul suddenly found his path
blocked, his expectations demolished in a blaze of blinding light. Thrown to
the ground by the suddenness and intensity of the encounter, Paul heard a voice
addressing him by his Hebrew name: ASaul, Saul, why do you persecute me?@
That encounter changed Paul=s life. He never forgot it. Today=s second reading makes clear that
Paul was convinced that there outside Damascus
he had seen the risen Lord. For after listing the other witnesses to the
resurrection, Paul adds: ALast of all, as to one born abnormally, he appeared to me.@ And then, remembering the man he had
been before that encounter which changed his life, Paul declares: AI am the least of the apostles, not
fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God . But by the grace of God I am what I am.@
Peter=s unforgettable, life-changing
experience came when Jesus asked him to do something that violated everything
Peter knew about the activity which was his livelihood: catching fish. After a
discouraging night of toil on the lake, the net coming back empty time after
time, until Peter and his companions were bone weary, Jesus tells Peter to try
again in broad daylight. Peter knew that would be an exercise in futility: “Master,
we have worked all night, and taken nothing.” But then, perhaps just to humor
the Lord, Peter adds: ABut at your command I will lower the nets.@ Peter=s willingness to do the unthinkable
enables him to experience the impossible. No sooner have they started to pull
in the net, than they feel it heavy with fish.
Peter=s reaction to his astonishing, indeed
miraculous, catch is very like Isaiah=s reaction to his awesome vision of
the Lord in the Temple :
AWoe is me [Isaiah cried], I am
doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips, living among people of unclean lips;
yet my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.@
In the simpler language of the
working man Peter says the same. Throwing himself at the feet of Jesus, with
the fish flopping all around him in the boat, Peter can only blurt out: ADepart from me, Lord, for I am a
sinful man.@ To which Jesus responds with words
of reassurance: ADo not be afraid: from now on you will be catching men.@ In that moment, Peter=s life is changed. AThey brought their boats to shore,@ Luke tells us, Athey left everything and followed
[Jesus].@ Peter never forgot it.
Dramatic experiences like those which
came to Isaiah, to Paul, and to Peter, are rare. What is not rare, indeed what
is very common, is the shattering of plans or expectations, the sudden blocking
up of progress along our chosen path, which each of these three men experienced
in their unforgettable moments of crisis.
Perhaps there is someone in this
church today who is passing through such a crisis. Your life seems to be coming
apart at the seams. You cannot see the way ahead. All the plans you made have
been frustrated, your hopes demolished. You do not know which way to turn. If
that, or any of that, is your story, then listen. The Lord has good news
for you.
Times of crisis are always times of
opportunity, times of growth. Sometimes the only way God can get at us is by
breaking us B or allowing us to be broken. To set
us on the right way, God must sometimes block up the way we are on B even it is in itself a good way.
We all want success. Yet failure can
teach us far more than success. I have known great success in my life. I have
also experienced humiliating failure. I have to tell you: I have learned far
more from failure than I ever learned from success. To be beaten down by failure until you are
flat on the ground with weariness and a sense of life=s futility is to be brought, at last,
truly close to God. It is failure that opens the door to God.
What looks to you like the end of all
your hopes, the destruction of every plan and aspiration you ever entertained,
may be the Lord=s summons to a closer, if more difficult, walk with him. God
never closes a door in our lives without opening another. The Lord has shown me
that in my life B again and again.
APut out into the deep water,@ the Lord says to Peter. He is saying the same to each
one of us right now. Do not abandon the quest, though it seems fruitless. Leave the shallow waters near shore. Forsake
what is familiar and secure for the challenge of the unknown deep. Dare, like
Peter, to do the unthinkable. Then, like him, you too will experience the
As we travel life=s way, with all its twistings and
turnings, its many small achievements and more numerous defeats, we who in
baptism have become sisters and brothers of Jesus Christ should be sharpening
our spiritual vision. For it is only with the eyes of faith that we can
perceive the unseen, spiritual world all round us: beneath, behind, above this
world of sense and time. Faith assures us that the Lord is watching over us
always, in good times and in bad:
C the
same God who appeared to Isaiah in the year that King Uzziah died, on a high
and lofty throne, with the train of his garment filling the temple;
C the
same God whose Son, gloriously risen from the dead, appeared in blazing light
to Paul outside the Damascus
C who
challenged Peter, devastated by failure at the one thing he thought he knew
something about, to APut out into deep water.@
Glimpsing this mighty God, our loving
heavenly Father, with the eyes of faith, we too join B as in a moment we shall B in the angels= song first heard by Isaiah:
AHoly, holy, holy is the Lord of
hosts! All the earth is filled with his