Homily for January 30th, 2021: Mark 4:35-41.
Jesus is sound asleep in a boat, in
the middle of a storm -- the only place in the four gospels, incidentally,
where we find Jesus sleeping. It was the sleep of exhaustion after a busy day
of healing and teaching. But it was also the tranquil rest of the only man in
that boat who had no reason for fear amid the elemental forces of nature.
While Jesus is fast asleep, a storm
comes up. Though the disciples were experienced seamen, these seasoned
fishermen turn in panic to their sleeping master, who unlike them was no
sailor, with the reproachful question: “Teacher, do you not care that we are
perishing?” Without a word of reply, Jesus acts. “He rebuked the wind, and said
to the sea, ‘Quiet! Be still!’”
Repeatedly the scriptures of Jesus’
people ascribe the power over wind and wave to God alone. Jesus, the gospel tells
us, “woke up, rebuked the wind ... The wind ceased and there was great calm.”
It was more than the stillness of nature. There was an eerie calm in the boat
as well, as Jesus’ disciples look at each other in amazement, each formulating
the same question: “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?” Remember:
their scriptures told them that only God could do what they had just seen Jesus
The first to break the silence is
Jesus. In this story which consists almost entirely of questions, it is now his
turn. “Why are you terrified?” Jesus asks. “Do you not yet have faith?” Mark
wants us, his readers, to hear Jesus putting these questions not only to his
friends in that boat, but to all his friends, ourselves included.
From the earliest times Christians
have compared the Church to a ship. Like the ark, which rescued Noah and his
family from the great flood, the Church preserves us from the flood of danger
and evil in the world. Time and again, however, our ship is buffeted by storms.
Whenever storms assault the Church, it is easy to think that the Lord is absent
-- or at least indifferent. Like those first friends of Jesus in the storm on
the lake, we cry out in fear. At the proper time -- which is God’s time, not
ours-- the Lord banishes the danger, and with it our cause for fear. Having
done so, he challenges us with the insistent question: “Why are you terrified?
Do you not yet have faith?”
What better response could we give to
the Lord’s question than the cry of another friend of Jesus in this gospel
according to Mark: “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:4)