Homily for January 20th, 2017: Mark 3:13-19.
“appointed Twelve,” our gospel has just told us, “whom he also named Apostles.”
Why twelve? Because God’s people was composed of twelve
tribes. Jesus was establishing a new people of God. The twelve men Jesus chose
were already disciples: men who followed Jesus and learned from him. An apostle
is more: someone who receives a commission or sending to speak and act for
another. Indeed the word apostle means ‘one who is sent’ – like an ambassador,
sent to abroad to represent his country, and especially the head of state who
sends him.
He chose them, Mark tells us, “that
they might be with him and [that] he
might send them forth.” There seems to be a contradiction there. How could they
be with Jesus while at the same time being sent forth into the world? This
seeming contradiction is the tension of the whole Christian life. It is the
tension between the vertical and the horizontal; between our duty towards God
and our duty toward others – between transcendence (vertical) and immanence
Ideally there is no conflict between
the vertical and the horizontal. The first (our relationship with God) is the
support of the second (our duty toward others). And the second (service of
others) is the active expression of the first. Prayer and our whole
relationship with God make it possible for us to have something to give to
others. And active, self-sacrificing love of others is the expression and proof
of genuine love of God.
Jesus’ life was the perfect combination
of the vertical and the horizontal; of total consecration to his heavenly
Father, combined with unrestricted service of others. That was why his earthly
life ended where the vertical and horizontal intersect: on the cross. Note: I
said Jesus’ earthly life. Beyond that
his heavenly and eternal life continued. Raised on the third day through the
power of God’s Holy Spirit from the tomb where his heart-broken friends had
laid him, Jesus started appearing to his initially frightened but then
overjoyed friends to inspire and empower them to live as he lived: totally
devoted to his heavenly Father, yet totally at the service of others. That is
why we are here: to worship and adore our crucified but risen Lord, and to
receive his power to live as he lived: at the intersection of the vertical and
horizontal: devoted and consecrated to him, while serving others by sharing with
them the love he pours out on us through his Holy Spirit.
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