Thursday, April 8, 2021


April 9th, 2021: Easter Friday. John 21:1-14.

“Have you caught anything?” Jesus calls out from the shore at dawn to his friends in their boat. What he really said was: “You haven’t caught anything, have you?” Jesus was poking fun at their lack of success in the one thing they were supposed to be good at: catching fish. Not once in the gospels is there any record of Peter and his friends catching a single fish without Jesus’ help. Here that help is the command to try again. They do so – and at once they feel the net heavy with fish. One of those in the boat tells Peter: “It is the Lord.” It is the unnamed “disciple whom Jesus loved.” Peter and the others hurry ashore and find a charcoal fire with fish on it, and bread. Knowing that they would be hungry after their long night’s labor, Jesus has made breakfast for them.
Did Peter recall another charcoal fire, at night, in the courtyard of the High Priest’s house at Jerusalem, where Peter stood warming himself? We all know what Peter did that night. Three times he denied even knowing the Lord and Master he so deeply loved. How mortified Peter must have been to recall his weakness.
Is there someone here today who feels weak? You have made so many good resolutions. Some you have kept, others not. You have high ideals. Yet time and again you have compromised. You had so many dreams, hopes, plans. How many have you achieved? You wanted so much. You have settled for so little. If that is your story, you have a friend in heaven. His name is Simon Peter. 
If, like Peter, you have discovered that you are weak, take heart! Jesus doesn’t ask you to be strong, for he knows your weakness. He doesn’t ask you to be a pioneer or a leader. He knows that is too hard: that you would soon lose your way -- or at least your nerve. He asks one thing alone. He asks you to follow him. 
Following Jesus Christ is not always easy. If you know your weakness, however, you have an advantage over those who still think they are strong. Then you will trust, as you try to follow your Master and Lord, not in any strength of your own, but only and always in the strength of Jesus Christ. His strength is always reliable; and it is always available. We have only to ask, and Jesus is there.  

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