Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Nov. 18th, 2020: Matthew. 14:22-33.
AIM: To show that Jesus is always close in times of peril. 

          It was not a long voyage across the lake — five miles at most. Jesus’ friends were disappointed when Jesus refused to join them. He needed to be alone -- to spend time in prayer.
          What began as a routine evening crossing of the lake soon turns into a nightmare for Jesus’ friends in their small boat. The storm which breaks on the disciples so unexpectedly this evening comes from just the direction in which they are heading.
          This explains why they are still far from their destination “about three in the morning.” Small wonder, that they cry out in fear as they see a human figure approaching across the wind-whipped waves. “It is a ghost,” they cry out. One man in the boat recognizes Jesus, and wants to be with him. It is Peter. “Lord,” he calls out, “if it is really you, tell me to come to you across the water.”
          “Come,” Jesus replies.
          Peter’s willingness to do the unthinkable enables him to experience the impossible. He climbs out of the boat and starts to walk to Jesus across the storm- tossed waves. “But when he saw how strong the wind was,” Matthew tells us, “he became frightened. And, beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’”
          Jesus had a special role for Peter. He was to be the leader of Jesus’ friends and thus of the Lord’s Church. This terrifying experience was part of Peter’s preparation. Years later he would remember: as long as he had kept his eyes on the Lord, he was safe. When he looked down, and saw the danger, he began to sink.
          he beautiful story in today’s gospel speaks also to each one of us individually. Somewhere in this church right now there is someone facing a personal crisis: an illness, perhaps, your own or that of a loved one; a family problem; a humiliating failure; the sudden collapse of long held hopes, plans, and efforts. You are filled with fear. When you look down, you see only peril and ruin. But look up! Keep your eyes on Jesus. He still has power to save. 
          The story assures us that when the storm rages and the night is blackest; when we cannot see the way ahead; when we are bone weary with life’s struggle and our hearts fail us for fear, Jesus is close. He only seems to be absent. In reality he is never far from us. He knows at every moment the difficulties against which we contend. Across the storm waters of this world he comes to us and chides us, as he chided Peter: “How little faith you have! Why do you falter?”
          Happy if we today, in this hour, can respond to the Lord’s saving presence and power as his friends did in that boat. Happy if we too can bow before him in awe-struck worship and say, with those first friends of Jesus:
          “Beyond doubt, you are the Son of God!”

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