Homily for Sept. 24th, 2019: Luke 8:19-21.
Jesus’ mother
and his brother come to visit him, our gospel tells us. His brothers? The word
which Luke uses means “relatives” or “kinsmen.” From antiquity Catholics have
believed that Mary had no other children but Jesus. Having given herself
completely to God by responding to the angel’s message that she was to be
mother of God’s son with the words, “Be it done to me according to your word,”
it was inconceivable that Mary could give herself to another. This is why she
is called “Mary ever virgin.”
Jesus’ mother
and his other relatives are unable to get to him, we heard, “because of the
crowd.” Those four words give us a glimpse of what life was like for the Lord
on most days of his public ministry. He was constantly hemmed in by people:
shoving, pushing, shouting, trying to get his attention. This explains why
Jesus retreated, whenever he could, to what the gospels call “a deserted place”
– somewhere where he could be alone with his heavenly Father.
When Jesus is
told that his mother and other relatives are trying to get to him through the
crowd, he responds with words that sound like a put-down: “My mother and
brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.” In reality the
words are not dismissive. Can there be any doubt that Mary truly listened to
God’s word and acted on it? Jesus’ words are extensive: they extend the limits of his family to anyone who truly
listens to his teaching and acts on it – in other words, to us.
God’s word
comes to us in many ways: through Holy Scripture, read out here in church, or
pondered over as we read the Bible for ourselves. God’s word comes to us also
through the teaching of his Church, and through the still, small, but powerful
voice of conscience.
How better, then,
could we respond to Jesus’ words in today’s gospel than with the simple prayer
of the boy Samuel, when he heard his name being called as he was sleeping in
the Temple: “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam. 3:10).
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