Homily for Dec. 3rd, 2018. Matt. 8:5-11.
before the healing story we have just heard, Jesus has healed a leper by
reaching out and touching him. Obedient to the law of his people, Jesus sends
the man to the priests in the Jerusalem
Temple . Jewish priests
were quarantine officials. With a priestly certificate of good health the
leper, previously bound to live apart from others, lest they too become
infected, could enter society again. There is irony here: later it would be
priests who would conspire the arrest Jesus.
The centurion
who asks Jesus to heal his servant in today’s gospel reading is a Gentile
military officer. This is clear from his response when Jesus says he will come
to heal the servant. The officer shows both courtesy to Jesus and respect for
the Jewish law by saying: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my
roof.” He knows that in entering a Gentile house Jesus could become ritually
unclean. So he suggests an alternative: “Only say the word and my servant will
be healed.” I do that all the time, he says. I give orders to those under my
authority, and they do what I command.
Upon hearing
these words, Matthew tells us, Jesus “was amazed.” Normally it is the witnesses
who are amazed at Jesus’ healings. Here it is the Lord himself who shows
amazement. I have not found faith like this from my own people, Jesus says. This
outsider, who has neither our divine law, nor our prophets, he tells the
people, shows greater faith than you do. The words which follow about people coming
from east and west to take seats at God’s heavenly banquet alongside Israel ’s heroes
are a prophecy of the Church. Originally a sect within Judaism, the Church
would break out of its Jewish womb to become the worldwide community of
Gentiles as well.
The centurion’s
words continue to resound two millennia later. “Lord, I am not worthy that you
should enter under my roof,” we say before we approach the Lord’s table to
receive his Body and Blood, “but only say the word, and my soul shall be
healed.” Even after a good confession, we are still unworthy of the Lord’s
gift. He gives himself to us for one reason: not because we are good enough;
but because he is so good that he
longs to share his love with us.
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