Homily for Oct. 24th, 2018: Luke 12:39-48.
AMy master is delayed in coming,@ the unfaithful servant in Jesus= story says. Behind those words lies
the thought: >Maybe he=s not coming at all.=
Then this unfaithful servant begins to act as if he were the master
himself, abusing his fellow servants and breaking into his absent employer=s wine cellar to stage wild parties
for his free-loading friends.
The unfaithful servant=s words, AMy master is delayed in coming,@ had special meaning for the
community for which Luke wrote his gospel. They believed that Jesus was going
to return soon, within the lifetime of some of them at least. As time went on
and the Lord did not return, many in Luke=s community were tempted to say: >Maybe he=s not coming at all.=
Jesus= story warns them not to yield to
such thoughts; not to forget that they are servants who, one day, will have to
give an account of their service. People who live as if there will never be an
accounting have broken faith, Jesus warns. For such faithless servants the day
of reckoning will be unexpected, and painful. AThat servant=s master will come,@ Jesus says, Aon an unexpected day and at an
unknown hour and will punish the servant severely.@
That failure of faith is always a
temptation for the Church, and for each of us who are the Church. We
yield to this temptation when we use the blessings that God gives us through
his Church solely for ourselves. That is why the Church is, and always must be,
a missionary Church. We can=t keep God=s gifts unless we give them away. And when we do give them
away, handing on to others the faith God has given us, we don=t become poorer. We grow richer. In
passing on our faith to others, our own faith is deepened and strengthened.
Whenever in its 2000-year history the
Church has forgotten its servant role; whenever the Church has settled in too
comfortably and accumulated too much worldly power, prestige, and wealth, it
has become inwardly flabby and spiritually sick. What is true of the Church is
true also of each of us, the Church=s members. We are servants: servants
of the Lord, and servants too of our sisters and brothers. And we are people on
a journey: pilgrims underway to our true homeland with the Lord B pitching our tents each evening, as
we lie down to rest for the next day=s journey, a day=s march nearer home.
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