Homily for July 16th, 2017: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A.
I Is.
55:10-11; Mt. 13:1-9.
AIM: To instill hope by
showing that God’s power overcomes weakness, failure, and defeat.
Was Jesus’ life a success story?
Hardly. True, he attracted large crowds. But few in the throngs which hung on
his words really understood him. Even his closest friends didn’t really get it.
At the Last Supper with their Master they were still arguing about “who should
be greatest” (Lk 22:24). During his public ministry Jesus encountered mounting
criticism and hostility, and at the end rejection and a cruel and unjust death.
Jesus responds to the rising tide of
opposition which he saw all around him with the story he tells in today’s
gospel. It is a story of contrasts: on the one hand the waste and failure of
most of the farmer’s hard work; and on the other hand the abundant harvest
despite this failure.
Farmers in Jesus’ day first scattered
seed on unplowed ground, and then turned the seed into the soil by plowing over
it. Some of the seed sown by this farmer lands on the hard footpath made by
people who walk across his field. Before the farmer can turn the seed under
with his plow, the birds have picked the path clean. The seed is wasted. Some
of the seed falls on soil so shallow and rocky that even after plowing there is
not enough depth of soil for proper root development. That seed too is wasted.
Part of the seed falls among thorns which, even after being turned under by the
plow, grow up again and crowd out the seed. Waste once again.
Up to this point in the story all the
seed, and all the farmer’s hard work, have been wasted. This corresponds to
Jesus’ own experience: initial popular excitement at his teaching and miracles;
but already clear signs of the hostility and rejection which will lead to his
condemnation and death. Jesus’ efforts, like the farmer’s, seem to lead only to
waste and failure.
Now comes something we weren’t
expecting. Some of the seed lands on rich soil and produces an abundant harvest:
“a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.” A modern commentator explains: “A 20-to-1
ratio would have been considered an extraordinary harvest. Jesus’ strikingly
large figures are intended to underscore the prodigious quality of God’s
glorious kingdom still to come” [New
Jerome Biblical Commentary No. 42:25]. Despite
all the waste and failure, Jesus is saying, an abundant harvest is certain —
indeed a super-abundant harvest.
Faced with mounting evidence of
rejection and failure, Jesus could have become a grim preacher of impending
doom. Instead he is relaxed, confident of ultimate success. Jesus’ optimism is
not superficial, however. He does not proclaim a bright, cheery message of
positive thinking, or possibility thinking; with the smiling assurance that
everything will turn out all right if only we hang in there and keep the right
attitude. By telling a story in which most of the farmer’s hard work is wasted,
Jesus shows us that much will not
turn out all right. We must expect setbacks, even defeats.
Jesus’ message of confident faith in
the midst of discouragement, reverses, setbacks, and defeats, is exactly what
we need today. How much of the Church’s work is wasted. Think of all the time
and treasure we invest in our Catholic schools. We’re proud of our schools —
and we should be. If we ask however, how many of their graduates are still
practicing their faith ten years after graduation, we begin to doubt: is our
investment in our schools really worthwhile? Or is the bottom line, once again,
waste, failure, and defeat?
And what about our personal failures?
We have made so many good resolutions. Some we have kept. Many we have not.
When we come to confession, it’s the same tired old list of sins. We ask
ourselves: “Will I ever make any real progress?” Too often we suspect that the
answer to that question is No. Must we simply acknowledge defeat, and hang our
heads in discouragement and shame?
Jesus does not deny the power of evil.
How could he when it brought him to the cross? Jesus does not deny the reality
of failure — whether it is his own seeming failure, his Church’s failures, or
our own personal failures. Despite
failure and defeat, however, Jesus tells us to be confident, to have hope, to
hold our heads high.
‘Have patience and courage,’ he is
telling us. ‘Do your work. Keep on. Sow the seed. Leave the rest to God. The
harvest is certain. When it comes, it will be so much greater than you can
possibly imagine that you will be amazed.’ The super-abundant harvest which
Jesus promises depends in the last analysis not on us, but on God. Jesus
himself is the one who sows the seed in the often hard, stony, and thorn-choked
soil of human hearts, our own hearts included.
Jesus is also the word of God of which
Isaiah speaks in our first reading. Jesus is God’s personal communication to
us, as my words are a communication to you. In that first reading God says: “My
word shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for
which I sent it.” The final triumph of Jesus, who is God’s Word, his personal
communication to us, is absolutely certain. No less certain too is the
super-abundant harvest which Jesus promises in his story of the farmer sowing
How do we know all this? We know it
from the two central symbols of our faith. At the center of our religion is a cross, the symbol of a wasted life, and
ultimate defeat. Behind the cross, however, is the
empty tomb, God’s guarantee that his Son spoke the truth when he said:
“Some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or
thirtyfold. Whoever has ears ought to hear.”
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