Homily for June 25th, 2017: Twelfth Sunday of Year
A. Mt. 10:26-33.
AIM: To help the
hearers face and surmount their fears.
AFear no one,@ Jesus says at the beginning of our
gospel reading. There is no emotion more universal than fear. We even share it with the animals. In our
earliest years our greatest fear is being abandoned. Across the distance of eighty-five
years I can still feel the panic I experienced on losing sight of my mother in
a crowded New York City
department store. We were reunited a few minutes later. But when you are only
four and get separated from your mother in a crowd, a few minutes can be an
In 1932, when I was four, I heard the
grown-ups talking in shocked tones about the kidnaping of the Lindbergh baby. I
remember lying in bed, listening to noises in the house and thinking: >They=re coming for me.= I tried to overcome fear by telling
myself: >Daddy and Mummy don=t have a lot of money. No one would
bother kidnapping me.= It didn=t help. I was still afraid.
As youngsters move into adolescence
they shift their sense of dependence from their parents to their peers. Peer
pressure, the desire to be thought Acool@ and Awith it@, leads many teenagers to do things
they know are wrong out of fear that if they don=t go along with the crowd they will
be made fun of and rejected. A few years
ago two undergraduates at Harvard, a young man and a young woman, were arrested
for stealing over $90,000 from the student organization for which they were
treasurers. From modest backgrounds themselves, like many others able to attend
Harvard because of its lavish scholarship program, they were corrupted by
observing the expensive lifestyles of a small minority. They resorted to theft
in attempt to break into a world they viewed as exciting and attractive.
Peer pressure can continue into adult
life. Fear of being left out is sometimes called Akeeping up with the Joneses.@ Priests encounter this at weddings.
Priests want weddings to be happy and joyful occasions for all concerned. This
desire can be frustrated, however, when people ambitious to make a big splash
try to turn a religious ceremony into a Hollywood
production. It starts with balloons in the sanctuary C and goes downhill from there. A
priest I know walked into the sacristy before a wedding to find the father of
the groom and the best man setting up a bar.
Tempers became frayed when Father told them that if the bottles were not
removed, there would be no ceremony. So in case you=re wondering what priests are afraid
of, I=m sorry to tell you that one of our
fears is weddings.
AFear no one,@ Jesus tells his twelve apostles at
the beginning of today=s gospel. The words are part of the instruction he gives them
as he sends them out to proclaim the good news of God=s kingdom. The values of God=s kingdom are radically different
from the values of the world. AI am sending you out like sheep among wolves,@ Jesus says earlier in the chapter
from which today=s gospel is taken (Mt. 10:16). His apostles had every reason
for fear as they ventured forth into a hostile world. Tradition says that they
all suffered martyrdom. Jesus tells them to overcome their fear by looking to
him and making him their model: ANo pupil outranks his teacher, no
slave his master. The pupil should be glad to become like his teacher, the slave
like his master@ (Mt. 10:24f).
If ever there was a man with reason
to fear, it was Abraham Lincoln, in the opinion of many the greatest American
president. He held that office during the terrible Civil War which threatened
to tear apart the country he loved. Lincoln
was not formally a member of any church. But he was a deeply religious man,
imbued with the teachings of the Bible. Lincoln
scholars tell us that his much used Bible falls open easily to Psalm 34, where
a finger smudge can be found by this line: AI sought the Lord and he answered me,
and delivered me from all my fears.@
The great French saint, Francis de
Sales (1567-1622) wrote this about fear:
ADo not fear what may happen tomorrow.
The same loving Father who cares for you today, will care for you tomorrow and
every day. Either he will shield you from suffering, or he will give you
unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious
thoughts and imaginings.@
In the Mass for the inauguration of
his pastoral ministry on April 24th, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI asked: AAre we not perhaps all afraid in some
way? If we let Christ enter fully into our lives, if we open ourselves totally
to him, are we not afraid that he might take something away from us?@ The Pope was reminding us that
sometimes God is himself a source of fear for us rather than fear=s remedy. What can we do then? St. Augustine answered this question when he
said: AIf you fear God, throw yourself into
his arms and then his hands cannot strike you.@ The nineteenth century English
priest, Fr. Frederick Faber, may have had Augustine=s words in mind when he wrote some
verses with which I would like to conclude:
My God, how wonderful thou art, thy
majesty how bright,
How beautiful thy mercy-seat, in
depths of burning light!
How dread are thine eternal years, O
everlasting Lord,
By prostrate spirits day and night,
incessantly adored!
How wonderful, how beautiful, the
sight of thee must be,
Thine endless wisdom, boundless
power, and awful purity!
O how I fear thee, living God, with
deepest, tenderest fears,
And worship thee with trembling hope,
and penitential tears!
Yet I may love thee too, O Lord,
almighty as thou art,
For thou hast stooped to ask of me
the love of my poor heart.
No earthly father loves like thee, no
mother, e=er so mild,
Bears and forbears as thou hast done
with me thy sinful child.
Father of Jesus, love=s reward, what rapture will it be
Prostrate before thy throne to lie,
and gaze and gaze on thee.
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