Homily for May 29th, 2017: John 16:29-33.
“Take courage,”
Jesus says. “I have overcome the world.” To understand these words we must know
that in John’s gospel the word “world” is used in two senses: good and bad.
When Jesus says, earlier in the gospel, “God so loved the world that he gave
his only Son,” [3:16] he is using the word in a good sense. He is speaking of
the world as it comes from the hand of God, the world of God’s making. God must
love that world, for he does not make anything that is not lovable.
When he tells
his friends to take courage because he has “overcome the world,” he is speaking
not about the world of God’s making, but the world of human marring: the world
deformed by human sin, centered not on God but on our own selfish desires, the
world not of giving, but of getting.
“In the world
you will have trouble,” Jesus says. Other translations say not trouble but
“suffering” or “tribulation.” Can we Catholic Christians in the comfortable and
rich country of the United
States honestly claim to have trouble, suffering,
and tribulation? If we refuse to abbreviate the gospel, yes we do. When we call
the killing of unborn babies a grave crime, equivalent to murder, we are
accused of “waging a war on women.” When we insist that marriage is only
possible between one man and one woman; and that, once established, it can be
terminated only by death, we are accused of “hate speech,” and vilified as
homophobes and opponents of human equality.
The trouble and suffering of
Christians worldwide is far greater. In his richly documented book, The
Global War on Christians, journalist John Allen writes: “We’re not talking
about a metaphorical ‘war on religion’ in Europe and the United States fought
over issues like whether it’s okay to erect a nativity set on the courthouse
steps. We’re talking about a rising tide of legal oppression, social harassment
and direct physical violence, with Christians as its leading victims. Christians
today form the most persecuted religious body on the planet, and too often its
new martyrs suffer in silence.”
Jesus speaks to us today the same
words he spoke to the apostles at the Last Supper two thousand years ago: “In
the world you will have suffering, but take courage. I have overcome the
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