Homily for March 14th, 2016: John 8:12-20.
“I am the
light of the world,” Jesus says in the gospel. How dark the world
would be without him. In baptism we were commissioned to be lenses and prisms
of that light, shining from the face of Jesus Christ. In the first letter of
John we learn how we fulfill that commission. “Whoever loves his bother remains
in the light . . . Whoever hates his brother is in darkness; he walks in
darkness and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded
his eyes” (1 John 2:10f).
To understand
these words we need to know that the words “love” and “hate” in that passage do
not refer to feelings. They refer to
our conduct. This becomes clear if we
look at Jesus’ parable of the sheep and the goats in chapter 25 of Matthew ’s gospel. There Jesus says that when we come
to stand before God in judgment, he won’t ask us how many prayers we’ve said,
or how many Masses we have attended. He will ask instead how we have treated
other people.
To those on
his right hand, designated as sheep in the story, the king (a stand-in for the Lord
God) will say: “Come, you have my Father’s blessing! … For I was hungry and you
gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you
welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, in prison and you come to me.”
Astonished at these words, those on the king’s right hand ask when they had
done all those things. To which the king responds: “As often as you did it for
one of my least brothers, you did it for me.”
Then, to those on his left hand,
designated as goats in the story, the king says: “Out of my sight, you
condemned, into that everlasting fire prepared for the devil and has angels!”
To explain this harsh judgment the king tells those on his left that they have
done none of those things. Conduct and not feelings is the standard by which
both are judged.
We pray then
in this Mass that when the Lord sends his angel to call us home to Him, he will
find us walking in the light -- by doing
good to those we encounter along life’s way.
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