Homily for November 19th, 2015: Luke 19:41-44.
“As Jesus drew
near Jerusalem ,
he saw the city and wept over it,” we heard in the gospel. Just twice in the
four gospels do we read that Jesus wept: at the tomb of his dear friend, Lazarus;
and in today’s gospel, following Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem . Jesus was God’s Son, endowed with
divine powers. But he was no Superman immune to human sorrow. Whatever grief
and sorrow we experience, Jesus experienced more. He understands, and he is
with us in all our own griefs and sorrows.
Today’s gospel
reading immediately follows Luke’s description of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem , which we
celebrate on Palm Sunday. Some of the Pharisees object to the cries of acclamation
with which Jesus was greeted: “Teacher, rebuke your disciples,” they say (vs.
39). To which Jesus responds: “If they were to keep silence, I tell you the
very stones would cry out.” Jesus may be referring to an obscure passage in the
prophet Habakkuk, who says that against people who practice violence, living
only to feather their own nests, the very stones and doorposts of their houses
will cry out (Hab. 2:9-11). Habakkuk’s message is that of all Israel ’s
prophets: ‘God is not mocked. Evil actions bring evil consequences.’
That is what
moved Jesus to tears. Like all devout Jews, he loved the holy city of Jerusalem . To see the
leaders of his people rejecting the Messiah, whose coming all the prophets had
promised, grieved the Lord deeply. Note that I said “leaders.” Many of Jesus’
people did accept him. Most of them
were “little people,” as the world judges things: Mary and Joseph, the
fishermen Peter and his brother Andrew ,
James, and John; and Matthew , an
outcast because he collected taxes for the hated government of occupation.
That remains
true today. Pope Benedict said often that most of today’s saints are “little
people”: St John Vianney (the Curé of Ars), Therese of Lisieux (the “Little
Flower”), our own Rose Philippine Duchesne, Maximilian Kolbe (who gave his life
in Auschwitz that another prisoner might live), the 20th century
Mexican martyr Miguel Pro, and Mother Teresa.
The greatest
people in the Church are not those with the impressive titles and fancy
clothes, but those who are closest to God. We pray in this Mass that we may be
among them.
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