Homily for Friday in Lent, Week 3: Mark 12:28-34.
“Which is the first of all
commandments,” Jesus’ questioner asks. We find the commandments twice over in
the Old Testament: first in Exodus, again in Deuteronomy. Both times they are
preceded by God=s declaration: AI, the Lord, am your God, who brought
you out of Egypt ,
that place of slavery@ (Exod. 20:2; Deut. 5:6). The commandments which immediately
follow describe the people=s grateful response to what God has already done for
them in liberating them from slavery.
We sometimes hear that the Old
Testament presents a God of law, the New Testament a God of love. Not true!
While law is central in the Old Testament, it presents God=s law as an expression of his love B a gift granted to his chosen people,
and not to others. (Cf. Deut. 4:6-8) And
while the New Testament does emphasize God=s love, Jesus says in the Sermon on
the Mount Jesus that he has come not to abolish the law but to fulfill it (Mt.
5:7). And at the Last Supper he gives his apostles Aa new commandment: Love one another@ (John 13:34). Both parts of the
Bible proclaim the same God. If God=s self-disclosure is fuller in the
New Testament, this is because in it God comes to us through his Son. As we
read in the opening verse of the letter to the Hebrews: AIn times past, God spoke in
fragmentary and varied ways to our fathers through the prophets; in this, the
final age, he has spoken to us through his Son ...@
Love of God and neighbor are the
heart of Jesus= summary of the law in today=s gospel. When his questioner says
that love is better than Aall burnt offerings and sacrifices@ B better, that is, than formal worship
B Jesus tells him: AYou are not far from the kingdom of God .@ With these words Jesus is saying
that God=s kingdom is present wherever love is
But how can we tell when this love,
which is the heart of God=s law, is truly present? Jesus= answer is clear. The test of our
love for God is whether we love our neighbor. (Cf. 1 John 4:20) And love for
our neighbor is genuine only if it means sharing with others the unmerited love
that God lavishes on us. This is the love for neighbor which God commands in
his law, a matter of deeds, not feelings.
Human laws command us to respect the
rights of others. But I can respect your rights without having any human
contact with you. Hence the enormous amount of loneliness in our society.
Mother Teresa called loneliness Athe worst disease of modern times.@
There is only one cure for loneliness: love. We come here to receive
love: a free gift, not a reward for services rendered. The One who gives us
this gift does so under one strict condition: that we share his love with others.
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