Homily for June 27th, 2014: Deut. 7:6-11; 1 John
4:7-16. Matt. 11:25-30.
There is
single, golden theme running through all three readings for today’s feast of
the Sacred Heart: love. “Not that we have loved God,” we heard in the second
reading, from the apostle who in the gospel that bears his name is always
called, “the one Jesus loved.” Rather “that he loved us and sent his Son as
expiation for our sins.”
God’s love for
his people is the theme of the first reading, from Deuteronomy. “It was not
because you are the largest of all nations that the Lord set his heart on you
and chose you, for you are really the smallest of all nations. It was because the Lord loved you … that
he brought you out with his strong hand from the place of slavery, and ransomed
you from the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.”
In the gospel
we hear the One whom God sent to us, out of love, “as expiation for our sins,” speaking
words of thanksgiving to his heavenly Father for revealing his love to “little
ones,” while hiding the message of love from “the wise and learned.” Who are
these “wise and learned” today? They dominate the media and Hollywood. They run the great foundations,
with names like Ford, Rockefeller, and Gates. They teach in our elite
universities. They consider the killing of babies in the womb whose birth might
be inconvenient or burdensome a sacred right. When we protest that abortion is
a crime no less grave than slavery in a previous age, they treat us with
disdain, or worse – accusing us of waging a “war on women.” And why not? In
their eyes we are only “little ones,” as ignorant and irresponsible as small
children. When we say that marriage is possible only between a man and a woman,
they call us bigots, homophobes, and enemies of equality.
Refusing to be
silent about such things is part of the burden Jesus speaks about in the
gospel. He calls that burden light. We often experience it as heavy. It becomes
light, however, once we accept the
yoke placed on our shoulders to help us bear the burden. Then we find we can carry
it easily, realizing that however heavy our burden may be, Jesus’ burden was
heavier. He walks beside us, sharing with us the fire of love which burns
brightly in his Sacred Heart. Once set on fire with that love, we can break
down any barrier, leap over any wall, coming finally into the presence of the One
who is love himself.
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