Wednesday, April 2, 2014


[For the 60th anniversary of my priestly ordination on April 3rd, 1954]

I praise you Lord 
          for my ordination to the priesthood, sixty years ago today
          for my baptism and confirmation    
          for the sacrament of penance, through which you constantly forgive my sins
          for the Eucharist, in which I receive your love, your power, your goodness,
                    your joy, your peace
          for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, in all life’s changes “the same,
                   yesterday, today, and forever”
          for your holy word, which enlightens and guides me on life’s way
          for the gift of priesthood, which makes me the servant of your holy people,
                   though unworthy, and the herald of your truth
I thank you Lord ...
          for a wise upbringing at the hands of good and loving parents
          for a younger sister, brother, stepmother, and half-sister
          for loving friends to share my laughter, tears, struggles, triumphs,
                   and defeats
          for a wonderful education, still unfinished
          for health, energy, and strength
          for fine food, and “wine that makes glad the heart of man” (Ps. 104:15)
          for music, the laughter of friends, and the joy of children
          for adventure, beauty, and romance – in many countries and on the
                   ocean wave
          for deliverance from perils, known and unknown
          for hardships, rebuffs, humiliations, disappointments, failures – which
                   remind me of my need of you
          for all who have inspired me, shamed me, reminded me of my high calling
                   as your son, your priest
          for the forgiveness of those I have wronged or disappointed
          for your boundless patience, reflected in the patience of fellow travelers
                   on the pilgrimage to you
Forgive me Lord ...
          for pride and arrogance and every evil way
          for stubbornness and insistence on my own will, my own ideas
          for words, looks, deeds that have inflicted pain
          for insensitivity to others’ needs, weaknesses, and moods
          for seeking self instead of you
          for opportunities neglected, words of comfort never spoken, deeds of
                   kindness left undone
          for bad examples given, confidences abused, promises unkept
          for yielding to discouragement, cynicism, and despair
          for seeking nourishment from idle dreams and neglecting today’s
                   achievements, satisfactions, and rewards
Support me Lord ...
all the day long, until the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and my work is done. Then in your mercy grant me a safe lodging, a holy rest, and peace at the last. (1)
Stay with me Lord ...
          be my remaining journey long or short
          stay with me, guide my vessel safely into port.
                                      *                 *                 *
          When I turned seventy, I started to pray daily that the years that remain to me may be fruitful.  At the age of seventy-five I added a daily prayer for a happy and holy death. I am confident that both petitions will be answered. How, I gladly leave to the loving providence which has surrounded and upheld me for almost 86 years.

         (1)   This prayer is composed from language used by Newman in two Anglican sermons from 1842 and 1843.  I sometimes use it at burials and have asked that it be used at mine.
Adapted from the version originally composed for my 60th birthday on 14 May 1988 and printed in my autobiography No Ordinary Fool: A Testimony to Grace (Tate Publishing 2008)

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