AIM: To challenge the hearers
to respond to the Lord=s call today.
A cardinal was visiting a community
of Carmelite nuns in Italy .
After celebrating Mass for them, he asked the Mother Superior if he could see
how they lived. Carmelite nuns are enclosed. They don=t leave the cloister. And visitors talk
to them through a grille. The cardinal=s request violated their rule. But
when a cardinal asks, you don=t say No. So the Prioress asked one of the nuns to show him
They visited the refectory, where the
nuns sit on wooden benches without backs to eat their simple meals off bare
wooden tables. The cardinal saw one of the cells where they sleep: a small room
furnished with a narrow bed, a table to serve as a desk, and a hard wooden
chair; a single light bulb overhead and a gooseneck lamp on the table. Instead
of a basin with running water there was a large washbowl on a stand, and on the
floor next to it a large crockery jug. The nun explained that water was brought
from the bathroom down the hall.
At the end of the short tour the nun
led the cardinal up a narrow stairway to the flat terraced roof above,
furnished with hard benches and a railing all round. AOn feast days ,@ she explained,@we can come up here, if the weather
is fine, for our recreation period.@ The view was beautiful. Across a
valley they could see a magnificent villa surrounded by formal gardens and
several fountains. It was summer. A gardener was cutting one of the hedges. Children
were frolicking in the swimming pool. A couple were playing tennis on one of
the two courts.
The cardinal turned to the nun who
was showing him round. AHow long have you been here in Carmel , Sister?@ he asked her. AI entered twenty years ago next
Easter,@ she responded. ASister,@ he said, Aif the young man of that house had
asked you twenty-one years ago to come and live there with him there as his
wife, do you think you would be here today?@
AYour Eminence,@ she replied, AThat was my house.@
Why? Why would a young woman give up
all that luxury and all that beauty? I
think if we could have asked her, or hundreds like her round the world, she
would have said something like this:
AI wanted to be with Jesus.@
Our gospel reading today tells of a
similar sacrifice by two pairs of brothers: Simon and his brother Andrew, James
and his brother John. They were
fishermen. Yet at Jesus= call, our gospel told us, they
immediately leave their nets and boat and follow him. Their nets and boat were
their livelihood, their security. They were burning their bridges behind them.
Why? If we could have asked them, I think they might have said something like
this: AYou would have to have known this man
Jesus. There was something about him that made it impossible to say No.@
Somewhere in this church right now
there is a young woman whom God is calling to be a religious Sister. Somewhere
there is a young man who God wants to be a priest. Let me speak very personally
to you.
And so I say to you, whoever you may
be, whatever your age, whatever your circumstances: When Jesus calls you, go for it! And one day
you too will be able to say what I say to you right now: What a wonderful life!
I have experienced already here on earth a little bit of heaven.
Is God=s call just for religious professionals,
priests and religious Sisters? Don=t you believe it! While you were
still in your mother=s womb, God already had a plan for your life. He calls each
one of us, as he called those four rough fishermen in today=s gospel. He calls us to walk with
him, to be so full of his love that others will see the joy on our faces and
want what we have. Christianity, it has been said, cannot be taught. It must be
AI could never do that,@ you=re thinking? You=re wrong. Here is a list of some of the great people in
the Bible. It was sent to me by e-mail, by whom I no longer know. Every one of
these people had a reason for thinking God could not use them. So the next time
you feel like God can=t use you, remember:
Noah was a drunk. Abraham was too
old. Isaac was a daydreamer. Jacob was a
liar. Joseph was abused by his brothers. Moses had a stuttering problem. Gideon
was afraid. Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer. Rahab was a prostitute.
Jeremiah and Timothy thought they were too young. David had an affair and was a
murderer. Elijah was suicidal. Isaiah thought himself unworthy. Jonah ran away
from God=s call. Naomi was a widow. Job went
bankrupt. Martha was a perpetual worrier. The Samaritan woman whom Jesus met at
the well was five times divorced. Zaccheus was too small. Peter denied
Christ. The disciples fell asleep while
praying. At Jesus= arrest, they all forsook him and fled. Paul was a religious
fanatic. Timothy had an ulcer. And Lazarus was dead!
So what=s your excuse? Whatever it may be, God can still use you to
your full potential. Besides, you aren=t the message. You=re only the messenger.
When you were born, you were crying,
and everyone around you was smiling. Start today (if you haven=t started already) living your life
so that when you die, you=re the only one smiling, and everyone around you is crying.
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